এই কোর্সে আপনারা কম্পিউটার অথবা এন্ড্রাইড ফোন ইউজ করে ডার্কওয়েব অ্যাক্সেস করা, গোপন ওয়েবসাইট খুজেবের করা, ডার্কওয়েব থেকে নিরাপদ থাকা এবং এর পাশাপাশি আরো অনেক জিনিস শিখতে পারবেন!
Course Information
- 01 Exploring The DarkWeb 00:08:00
- 02 Tor Browser Windows (PC) 00:11:00
- 03 Tor Browser Android (Mobile) 00:07:00
- 04 Best Hacker Friendly Search Engines 00:08:00
- 05 DuckDuckGo Search Engine 00:07:00
- 06 DuckDuckGo Searching Techniques 00:05:00
- 07 The Hidden WIKI 00:11:00
- 01 ইন্টারনেট এর গোপন দুনিয়াতে প্রবেশ 00:18:00
- 02 ইন্টারনেট এর কালো বাঁজারে প্রবেশ 00:16:00
- 03 ডার্ক ওয়েব এর সোশ্যাল মিডিয়াতে প্রবেশ 00:17:00
- 04 হ্যাকিং সিখবার জন্য ডার্কওয়েব 00:14:00
- 05 ডার্ক ওয়েব এর ইমেইল সার্ভিস 00:17:00
About Instructor
Deborshi Mallick is an Ethical Hacker & Cyber Security Specialist. Besides, working on Web development And Also Software development. (Since 2014)..
Deborshi Mallick
Deborshi Mallick is an Ethical Hacker & Cyber Security Specialist. Besides, working on Web development And Also Software development. (Since 2014)..
Skills- Advanced knowledge of Linux command line- Installation, configuration and maintenance of servers that run under Unix/Linux typeoperating systemsTo name a few: DNS, TFTP, FTP, SSH, APACHE, SMTP, VSFTP and some others- Troubleshooting a wide range of network related problems. Meaning, digging deep forpackets on any given network.Using one of my favourite tools for capturing and filtering packets on the network, Wireshark,and resolving end-user issues- Good understanding of Cisco routers and Android,Linux,Windows,IOS operating system- Configuration and implementation of Linux firewall namely Iptables- Supervision and filtration of network traffic- Tightening down security and pen testing networks for possible vulnerabilities- Good knowledge of network gear brands and their strengths or weaknesses- Preforming system back up- Fair knowledge of Bash scripting- equipment installation, upgrades, patches, and configuration.Also I am a WordPress designer specialising in Elementor and Divi. I have five years of experience in developing and designing websites.
Education- I have done BSc in CSE from NUBTK (2018-2022).Also I have Done HSC in Science. (2016-2018).
Working Experience- As a freelancer I have done work since 2015 till now, also I have started 2 successful startup.
I am The founder and CEO Of Technical Bangla since 2017.
Technical Bangla is an online learning platform,it has more than 70K users and one of the best IT Solution Organisation in Bangladesh.
Also I am The founder and CEO Of NEW BD Shop since 2019.
NEW BD Shop is a popular e-commerce platform in Bangladesh, it has a wide range of products and also it has a wide customer base.
Hobbies-As a CSE engineer I love programming.also I love to make videos on YouTube. my YouTube channel name is "Technical Bangla", it has more than 80K subscribers I make videos about Cyber security,Programming,Web development and More. also I have a vloging channel named "Deborshi Mallick".
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